

The art of public speaking lead with the leaders.

DATE: 07.August.2016
Time: 09:00-06:00
Host: VIT Toastmasters

 The Art of public speaking lead with the leaders along with Club Officers Training Program and Judges Training Program along with the Public Relation Activity was held at VIT-EAST. The event was divine inspiration for the speakers. Around 100 people including Toastmasters and guest attended the event which  isa huge success for DISTRIC 41, and for the DIVISION C as well.
The event was opened by sergeant at arms in which he introduced basic rules and then handover the stage to Master of Ceremony  Siddharth Balasaria in which he make everyone aware about the Toastmasters and life learning lessons.
The session of Public Relation was taken by DEEPAK SHARMA ( District Club Growth Director) where he let everyone familiar  about his journey from a worker of a Hyatt Residency worker who didn’t knew English to District Club Growth Director. Moreover he stated many learning's which motivated every person present their to build his own castle of public speaking defeating the monster of hesitation. Indeed the session  was very mesmerizing and everyone considered themselves very fortunate for attending the session.
The event was also comprised of impromptu speaking session in which various speakers have been given topics to speak on the spot. In addition to this there was a competition for keen listeners also.
 After completion of above sessions guest left after having high tea while toastmasters of various clubs of Jaipur and Udaipur attended Club Officers Training Program and Judges Training Program where different trainees train the new upcoming leaders.
 At the end of event efforts of every person were recognized and certificates for appreciations were distributed by Division director TM Nitesh Gupta and Area Director TM Haseena Shahjahan.
Every guest and trainee felt happy with the hospitality and arrangements and listeners went home with hope and motivation.

Faculty Coordinator:

Haseena Shahjahan

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